Why Is First Aid Important

Why Is First Aid Important

First aid is absolutely essential in emergency situations; you may be thinking like millions of others… when am I ever in an emergency situation? If the answer is never, you are incredibly lucky. There has been thousands of cases where heart attacks, burns, electrocutions, falls, spinal injuries, choking and bleeding have all gone untreated until members of the emergency services have arrived on scene.

The ability to carry out first aid before paramedics arrive can really minimize a casualty’s damage, help aid their recovery and even ensure their survival. That casualty may be a loved one, a friend or a stranger, no matter who they are…they will all have one thing in common…they will need your immediate help.

Imagine the situation. You have been for a walk around your local reservoir, it is a hot day, children are playing and the birds are singing. Out the corner of your eye you see a group of friends all huddled around by the water’s edge panicking. You run over to investigate, on arriving you see a boy who isn’t breathing. It is obvious he has been in the water.  Unlike those crowding around the boy, you aren’t in a state of panic. You know what action to take immediately. Your training kicks in.

Within a split second you have taken control of the situation and are administering CPR whilst another member of the group phones the emergency services. After administering CPR the boy splutters back into life. You comfort him until the emergency services personnel arrive and take him to hospital. You have saved a life. Alternatively, you can stand around not knowing what to do, watching the boy drifting in and out of consciousness, praying for the already overstretched ambulance crews to hurry up.

  • You are likely to be faced with a decision to help in an emergency someday.
  • It is better to know first aid and not need it, than to need first aid and not know it.