Diabetic Emergencies


Diabetic Emergencies

  • Diabetes is the inability to use glucose normally due to deficiency in insulin.



Hypoglycemia , not to be confused with hyperglycemia) is a medical emergencythat involves an abnormally diminished content of glucose in the blood. The term literally means “low blood sugar”. It can produce a variety of symptoms and effects but the principal problems arise from an inadequate supply of glucose to the brain, resulting in impairment of function (neuroglycopenia). Effects can range from milddysphoria to more serious issues such as seizuresunconsciousness, and (rarely) permanent brain damage or death

Key point:

  • Low blood glucose



Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar , not to be confused with the opposite disorder, hypoglycemia) is a condition in which an excessive amount of glucose circulates in the blood plasma.

Key point:

  • High blood glucose